Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about that second half of last season’s Once Upon a Time? I know you’ve been waiting with your breath held for this, but now the curse has been lifted and you get to hear us talk about what worked and what didn’t, and why this Disney adaption is entertaining for everyone, not just kids and women… Or maybe I’m just a kid at heart. The two aren’t mutually exclusive!:

In this episode we bid a tearful farewell to the epic Disney fairy tale series, Once Upon a Time. We look in on the second half of the season and of course, The Final Battle. We talk about our favorite characters, what we miss, what we would change, the wrap up, and how we’ll miss this series….Wait. What do you mean that it’s renewed for another season? With that ending…really?!

This doesn't have to be our little secret: