Tag: Ghostbusters

The 42cast Episode 28: Is Fandom Broken?

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about whether or not a cancer is spreading in genre fandom? Come along as we talk about what’s bad about… us. Maybe we’re just scratching the surface here, and maybe in the months since this was recorded fandom hasn’t exactly stepped up in Rick & Morty, Star Wars and DC television to prove us right or wrong. Oh, but for the good old days of fan outrage over women as Ghostbusters. It was a simpler time…:

We all know of examples of fandom behaving badly, and in this episode we delve into the question of whether or not fandom is “broken”. It’s a complicated issue as we examine the interaction between fans and creators and how fans relate to other fans.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

Ghostbusters (2016)

“Saw Ghostbusters. Childhood still intact. Manhood still exists. Apocalypse- on and off screen- averted.” – Me, on Facebook, like last night.

It seems every year there’s two or three lightning rod issues that divide the nerd community into contentious camps. Such seemingly innocuous remakes like 2009’s Star Trek or Batman v Superman or the de-canonizing of non cinematic Star Wars material or the not so innocuous Hugos hijacking are all like the end times for a group of people who are not known for expressing their passions in moderation. The 2016 Ghostbusters certainly falls into that category. And I won’t be touching on any of that because I’m out of high school. 

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

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