Tag: amazons

Wonder Woman Demeans Women!”

Or… Geek Stranger Comes Dangerously Close to Mansplaining in Addressing a Minor Criticism of the Movie.

You know the baby thing in Wonder Woman? Quick recap- Diana sees a baby in the streets of London and gets excited. It’s a nice little touch lasting about five seconds. I mentioned it in my review (subliminal plug).

Some people believe this scene may be demeaning toward women because it implies that all women have to love babies. It’s an intriguing thought, but I think the logic is flawed here for two reasons.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

Wonder Woman

The poorly named War to End All War ravaged Europe and changed the world in ways we still feel to this day. It turned idyllic landscapes dotted with picturesque villages and family orchards into a carnage strewn churning pile of mud, blood, death and destruction. Imagine in this context a vision of beauty, angelic in appearance, and armed with only sword and shield, climbing out of a trench to do battle with machine guns and toxic gas .

The moment is iconic. The birth of this hero resonates. It’s the scene in all the trailers, and it makes the point clear; in the world ruined by man, Wonder Woman has arrived. Hope has returned. And that narrative works in so many ways.

This is an important movie. Let me type that in a different way to get the point across- this movie is important!

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

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