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The 42cast Episode 41: By Your Powers Combined

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about capitalism being the true savior of the universe the rag tag band of Berlanti misfits still making a mess of time and, lets be honest, our feelings? It’s the guilty pleasure you aren’t in the least bit guilty about!:

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow became the underdog of the Berlanti universe. Coming out of a season 1 panned by critics and fans, Legends gained more solid footing in its second season. Now, we assemble a cast to discuss season 3 of the series. We talk about the major shakeups to the cast, how permanent we think they are, and what it means for the series overall. We talk about a new team up of villains and whether they were able to hold interest better than the Legion of Doom. We also discuss how a plush toy may change the entire face of Berlanti television and eat a hole in our wallets before discovering that no one on the cast knows who Captain Planet is. It’s only on this year-ending episode of The 42cast.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 40: Queen’s Gambit

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about the CW show that seems to have more storylines arrows in the quiver than targets to hit? Proudly sponsored by Big Belly Burger for 14 years straight!:

Oliver Queen’s five year arc came to a close last year as the flashbacks to Lian Yu wrapped up just as Oliver finally made peace with his past. This week we delve deep into season 6 of Arrow to see how the series fared under its new direction. We talk about the new and returning characters, the DCCW’s Civil War, how much we want to see Slade again, and how Diaz stacks up against Chase. As usual, we discuss our hopes for next season and do our annual Arrow death pool. We also take Five to discuss just why Solo: A Star Wars Story performed lower than expected.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 39: Flashes of Insight

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about the guy who may actually finally for the first time really be the Fastest Man Alive? Sit back and try to contain your disappointment that Savitar isn’t coming back!:

Season 4 of the Flash raced off our TV screens last May, and The 42cast now looks back at that season and talks about the changes that the show went through. We talk about how DeVoe stacks up as a villain, how Wally was robbed, and why Ralph Dibny is the best thing to happen to the show in a long time. We also talk about characters who’s plot threads are dropped, do a look ahead at season 5, and discuss why we love Tom Cavanaugh. For our five-minute contoversy this week we discuss Disney’s firing of James Gunn.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 36: Defenders Deploy

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about that one time a blind lawyer, an alcoholic detective, a Harlem hero and DANNY RAND, THE IMMORTAL IRON FIST, PROTECTOR OF KUN LUN AND SWORN ENEMY OF THE HAND all got together to fight Sigourney Weaver? You’ll come for the tasty dumplings of justice, and stay for the delectable fortune cookie of character development that is Marvel’s Netflix’s Defenders:

Iron Fist season 2 drops today, so we decided to take a look at the last series to feature Danny Rand as Marvel’s Netflix Phase One comes to an end with The Defenders. Our panel of guests talk about how well the series worked in meshing the individual storylines together. We talk about how we liked the interaction between the character.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 30: Turning the Clocks Back

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about a time travel show that refuses to quite die, and has actually “changed” time at least once? Listen in as we chat about NBC’s more recent attempt at genre, Timeless and about history and science and character development and whether or not we all wish a sibling could be wiped from the timeline:

Last year was the year of time travel shows. Most of them were canceled, but one series, Timeless, turned back the clocks and changed its destiny. In this episode we take a look back at Timeless season one to discuss it’s premise, characters, cast, and why we felt that this show is worthy of going on.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 27: Heroes – Where Did It Go Wrong?

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about that television show that was soooo good, and then soooo bad, but you’ll always remember that first season for all the feels it gave you? Come along as we talk about NBC’s attempt to recapture the magic that was one and a half seasons (let’s say) of Heroes with their continuation. It’s not just an attempt to cash in on the super hero craze! But also, it is definitely an attempt to cash in on the super hero craze. Is it worth watching? Can lightning strike twice? Did you forget about it but now that I’ve reminded you, you kind of feel like-“Oh yeah, I mean to watch that.”? Well, give a listen before you do!:

This week we talk all about Heroes, the NBC drama that took the world by storm back in 2006. Heroes treated the idea of superpowers in a serious manner and paved the way for so many series that we know and love. Just about everyone agrees that Heroes started strong and then fell apart, but no one agrees on the when and how.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 23: Fast Forward

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about the (sometimes) Fastest Man Alive? Come along as we run our mouths about Central City’s team of Speedsters and their shiny adversary from Season 3. Yeah, it’s a bit late, but blame Barry for that. I mean, he’s a time travelling speedster, but he can be an awful procrastinator at times:

Running for the finish line on our review of the DC TV series on the CW, we discuss season 3 of The Flash. This season had some surprising twists and turns that left fandom feeling a little shaky. This week we talk about the storylines, how we felt about them, and what we feel like this means for season 4.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 22: Jumping the Network

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about the Girl of Steel? Come along as we fly deep into National City, which looks an awful lot like LA from a distance, but Vancouver when you get really, really close, but never ever looks like Smallville, except when it does:

This week we take a look at Supergirl’s sophmore season. The series had a surprising rescue when CBS declined to renew it for a second season and the CW decided to pick it up. The new showrunners decided to alter some elements of the show. The second season saw the debut of many new characters as well as a heightened political commentary. In this episode we talk about the changed premises, the new characters, and what happens when you jump the network.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 20: Agents of Hydra

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about the moral and philosophical implications of a matrix-esque reality in the Framework? Am I in it now? Would it matter? Listen as we discuss the third part of a season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that’s upped its game from season to season! What’s better than the villains getting the spotlight? Turning our heroes into villains! It’s Marvel’s What-If on the little screen:

Join the episode as we discuss the fifth season of Marvel’s Agents of Hydra. Follow agents Ward, May, and Skye as they hunt down the Inhuman filth infesting the planet. We’ll also follow the exploits of ineffective resistance movement, run by the treacherous Jeffrey Mace and his allies. We go through all the ins and outs of the season, from the awesomeness of Madame Hydra to new character, Simmons, and her ties to the corrupt S.H.I.E.L.D. organization. We also talk about why we should care about a schoolteacher and a law-abiding citizen with his daughter.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

The 42cast Episode 19: Back to Basics

Sometimes just reading Geek Stranger isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to listen… and where can you listen to me geek out with fellow nerds about that last season of CW’s emerald clad hero, Arrow? How does Ollie make things worse by brooding? How does Felicity make things better by computer-ing? Or… is this the rare season where Oliver isn’t his own worst enemy and Felicity makes a few bad decisions? Also, there are others in Team Arrow, too! (probably):

In this episode we take a look back at season 5 of Arrow. This season took a back-to-basics approach that showed the consequences of some of Oliver’s actions, brought back some old faces, and moved him forward as a character. There were also several new faces. In this episode we talk about the new and the old and talk about what worked and what didn’t before discussing where we hope season 6 is heading.

This doesn't have to be our little secret:

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